Powering your property with Solar Energy is the best new addition that you can make to your home. Reduce or eliminate your monthly electricity bills by putting your house to work. Generate your own power, sell it to the grid, use it in your car, or store it through battery backup systems to use during outages.
Okanagan Solar Homes, located in Kelowna, BC, Canada, is a pioneering local company dedicated to sustainable and eco-friendly living solutions. With a profound commitment to renewable energy and environmental stewardship, Okanagan Solar Homes has been at the forefront of designing and installing innovative solar-powered projects in the picturesque Okanagan Valley since 2009.
Our installations incorporate thoughtful design paired with high quality materials enabling homeowners to harness the power of the sun and reduce their carbon footprint. Okanagan Solar Ltd is a Technical Safety BC registered and bonded electrical contractor under License #LEL0208746.